Firstly departure to lake Maburo national park, there is lots of enjoyment and after that game drive for searching wildlifes and after that, use cottage traditional things for sleep and overnight gorilla trekking, and drive game for climbing lions on tree, buffaloes etc. All things and travel are included in this tour and lastly whole city tour is also available.

Day 1: Departure to Lake Mburo National Park

Set off from Kampala during the midmorning west wards towards Lake Mburo National Park. While at it, we make a stopover at the equator to have a feel of standing in the 2 hemispheres of earth at the same time, take some photos,

and buy souvenirs. We later embark on our journey. Destination is Igongo cultural centre to have an experience of traditional African culture. Overnight at Igongo Resort Hotel

Day 2: Game drive Lake Mburo National park

Right after breakfast, we head out to Lake Mburo national park for a game drive. While at the game drive, you expect to see zebras, impala, heart beasts, buffalos, giraffes, topi, baboons, among others. The game drive should last about 3 hours. Retire back to the hotel for lunch. Right after lunch, we set off to lake bunyonyi. Over night at crater bay cottage

Day 3: Day visit around lake, sleep crater bay cottage

This day will be spent around lake bunyonyi just to enjoy the area. While at it, you get to visit some of the numerous islands dotted in the lake while enjoying the beautiful sights and sounds of nature. It is during this day visits that you get to visit one of the forgotten tribes of Uganda  (Batwa), interact with them and explore their traditional ways of life. Over night at crater bay cottage

Day 4: Drive to Ruhijja or Buhoma (Bwindi)

Drive to Ruhijja or Buhoma and check in to the hotel. We have ample rest and prepare ourselves for the Gorilla trekking experience the following day. Overnight at Bakiga Lodge

Day 5: Gorilla trekking

A morning cup of coffee or tea is recommended before your gorilla tracking safari. We will then head to the briefing point at the park headquarters and from here you will be briefed about the dos and don’ts while in the jungle forest with the gentle Giants. You will be provided with walking sticks and you are also advised to have your lunch parked with enough drinking water. Staring into the pensive brown eyes of these gentle giants, who share 95% of their genes with humans, is as humbling as it is thrilling. After tracking you will travel back to your lodge, relax and dine. Overnight at Ruhijja Gorilla lodge.

Day 6: Drive to Ishasha sector, game drive

Set off from Bwindi to Queen Elizabeth National Park. We check in at Ishasha and conduct an evening game drive. While in the game drive, expected sightings include the famous tree climbing lions, bufallos, topis, kobs, waterbuck and hippos among others. Overnight bush lodge

Day 7: Game drive and boat

We have an early morning game drive in the Park where we expect to see Elephants, Buffalos, Lions, Bush bucks, Kobs, Giant forest hog, Hyenas and Waterbucks. We then return to our accommodation and have breakfast. In the afternoon we’ll take a launch cruise along the amazing Kazinga channel and you will appreciate the scores of Hippos, Buffalos, and Crocodiles close to the waterside as well as if we are lucky the rare Leopard prowling. There is a variety of bird species especially pelican and Jacana. Overnight at bush lodge.

Day 8: drive to fortportal

Set off from queen Elizabeth national park to fortportal. Right after lunch, we proceed to Semiliki National park for a nature walk. While at the nature walk, you get to see lots of birds, some primates, flora and finally the male and female hot springs. Overnight at primate lodge

Day 9: chimpanzee tracking

Visit kibale forest national park. Conduct chimpanzee tracking during the morning hours. While at it, you get to see other primates like the colobus monkey, vervets, photos, among others. Overnight primate lodge

Day 10: Departure to masindi

Conduct a nature walk in fortportal to visit the ancient amabere caves. Thereafter, proceed to Murchison falls national park on a dirt road. Overnight at Murchison River Lodge

Day 11: boat ride

since the day before was so bumpy, you relax for the better half of the day. In the afternoon, conduct a boat ride that will lead you to the bottom of the falls. After boat ride, nature walk to the top of the falls. Overnight Murchison river lodge

Day 12: game drive

Today we head for an early morning game drive on the northern bank of the River Nile. We shall have the opportunity to spot elephants, lions, cape buffalos, Rothchild’s giraffe, hartebeest, waterbuck, oribi, bushbuck, bohor reed buck, hyena and if you are lucky, the leopard. Return to the lodge. Overnight fort murchison

Day 13: rhino tracking, kampala

Right after breakfast, set off to Zhiwa rhino sanctuary to track the endangered species of rhinos in Uganda. Right after tracking, we proceed to kampala. Overnight at Forest Cottage


Day 14: Jinja 

Visit jinja where you get to take a boat ride on River Nile to the source of the Nile; the actual point where the River Nile starts its three months journey to the Mediterranean Sea. Thereafter, go for white water rafting and any other activity such as bangy jumping. Overnight sunset international hotel

Day 15: city tour

This day will mark the end of the tour. You get to visit some of the outstanding sights around kampala city such as the infamous Namugongo Martyrs’ shrine, the Old kampala Mosque (biggest in East Africa), Bahai temple, Namirembe and Rubaga cathedrals among others. We wind up the day with a visit to Ndere troopes centre for magnificent evening of African music, dance and drama entertainment. Overnight at forest cottages.


The total cost = $ 33,319 ONLY


This costing applies for a couple or two people only. If you are more than two we can make for the group or less. Just contact us

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